It is through the support and generosity of alumni and friends we offer to our Economics students graduate and undergraduate fellowships, scholarships and awards. Through the Department of Economics Gift Fund, we allocate funds for our greatest needs. These efforts include supporting our graduate students and faculty by sponsoring seminars and graduate workshops and supporting graduate student travel to participate in and present at conferences.

A few of our giving opportunities include:

Learn more and see a complete listing of Department of Economics giving opportunities

The faculty, staff, students, collaborators and alumni of the Department of Economics appreciate the generosity of donors and friends who support their scholarship and research pursuits. To learn more and to discuss giving priorities and opportunities please contact the current chair, atsweet [at] umd [dot] edu (Andrew Sweeting).

Please contact dsaeed [at] umd [dot] edu (Sameen Saeed) or beaver [at] umd [dot] edu (Kenneth Beaver) for assistance with making your gift to the Department of Economics.