Robert Schwab, Professor, received his BA from Grinnell College and his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. His primary field of research is public economics with an emphasis on taxation and public education. He was the Associate Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences from 2004 until 2009.
Areas of Interest
- Public economics with an emphasis on taxation and public education
CV: 2015 - Schwab CV.docx24.72 KB
Degree TypePhDDegree DetailsJohns Hopkins University
- The Window Tax: A Case Study in Excess Burden, , Journal of Economic Perspectives 29(1 ), 163-180
- The Window Tax: A Transparent Case of Excess Burden, , Land Lines, April .
- Effects of Property Taxation on Development Timing and Density: Policy Perspective, , Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 189-230
- Changing Labor-Market Opportunities for Women and the Quality of Teachers, 1957-2000, , American Economic Review 94(2 ), 230-235, May .
- Women, the Labor Market, and the Declining Relative Quality of Teachers, , Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23(3 ), 449-470
- Education Spending in an Aging America, , Journal of Public Economics 81(3 ), 449-472, September .
- Education-Finance Reform and the Distribution of Education Resources, , American Economic Review 88(4 ), 789-812, September .
- A Fiscal Federalism Approach to Infrastructure Policy, , Regional Science and Urban Economics 27(2 ), 139-159, April .
- Schoolhouses, Courthouses, and Statehouses after Serrano, , Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 16(1 ), 10-31, January .
- The Impact of Urban Land Taxation: the Pittsburgh Experience, , National Tax Journal 50(1 ), 1-21, March .
- State Education Finance Policy after Court-Mandated Reform: The Legacy of Serrano, , Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation 89, 366-371
- Consumption Taxes in a Life-Cycle Framework: Are Sin Taxes Regressive?, , The Review of Economics and Statistics 77(3 ), 389-406, August .
- Finishing High School and Starting College: Do Catholic Schools Make a Difference?, , Quarterly Journal of Economics 110(4 ), 941-974, November .
- Infrastructure Spending: Where Do We Go from Here?, , National Tax Journal 46(3 ), 261-273, September .
- Public Economics and the Theory of Rationing, , Public Finance 48(2 ), 225-242
- Measuring Peer Group Effects: A Study of Teenage Behavior, , Journal of Political Economy 100(5 ), 966-991, October .
- A Haig-Simons-Tiebout Comprehensive Income Tax, , National Tax Journal 44(1 ), 67-78, March .
- Community Composition and the Provision of Local Public Goods: A Normative Analysis, , Journal of Public Economics 44(2 ), 217-237, March .
- Is America Really on the Road to Ruins?, , The Public's Capital 2(4 ), 6-7
- Optimal Investments to Establish Property Rights in Land, , Journal of Urban Economics 29(3 ), 295-309, May .
- Public Capital Formation and the Growth of Regional Manufacturing Industries, , National Tax Journal 44(4 ), 121-134, December .
- The Economics of Tax Amnesties, , Journal of Public Economics 46(1 ), 29-49, October .
- The Incidence of Maryland Taxes, , Maryland Policy Studies 4, 35-52, August .
- The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Industry Location Decisions: The Motor Vehicle Industry, , Land Economics 66(1 ), 67-81, February .
- Local Characteristics and Public Production: The Case of Education, , Journal of Urban Economics 26(2 ), 250-263, September .
- Economic Competition Among Jurisdictions: Efficiency Enhancing or Distortion Inducing?, , Journal of Public Economics 35(3 ), 333-354, April .
- Environmental Federalism, , Resources 92, 6-9
- Disentangling the Demand Function from the Production Function for Local Public Services: The Case of Public Safety, , Journal of Public Economics 33(2 ), 245-260, July .
- Expected Appreciation in Urban Housing Markets, , Journal of Urban Economics 18(1 ), 103-118, July .
- Pay-as-You-Go Versus Advance-Funded Public Pension Systems Under Imperfect Capital Markets, , Public Finance Quarterly 13(3 ), 269-292, July .
- Regional Effects of Investment Incentives, , Journal of Urban Economics 18(2 ), 125-134, September .
- Renovation and Mobility: An Application of the Theory of Rationing, , Southern Economic Journal 52(1 ), 203-215, July .
- The Benefits of In-Kind Government Programs, , Journal of Public Economics 27(2 ), 195-210, July .
- Regional Productivity Growth in U.S. Manufacturing: 1951-78, , The American Economic Review 74(1 ), 152-162, March .
- Expected Inflation and Housing: Tax and Cash Flow Considerations, , Southern Economic Journal 49(4 ), 1162-1168, April .
- Real and Nominal Interest Rates and the Demand for Housing, , Journal of Urban Economics 13(2 ), 181-195, March .
- Inflation Expectations and the Demand for Housing, , The American Economic Review 72(1 ), 143-153, March .
- Modeling a Down-Payment Constraint: Comment, , Public Finance Quarterly 10(2 ), 218-221, April .
Department of Economics
schwab [at]
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM