2023 / 2024

  • Keep your advisor informed on your progress.
  • Form a group of friends and colleagues who are willing to attend your practice talks and read drafts of your job market paper.
  • Sign up to present your paper in a Fall workshop; you may also want to present over the summer in 708-lite or 709-lite. Make sure that your advisor(s) have a copy of the seminar assessment form to complete.
  • If you don't have one already, write a draft of your job market paper! The earlier you have this finished, the more time you'll have to circulate it, get feedback, and make improvements before November.
  • Be aware of job-market opportunities that have early deadlines (see the list of "Notable Opportunities with Early Deadlines" here). If you want to apply for one of these positions, then you may need to get an early start on lining up your references and/or finish your job market paper ahead of the typical schedule.
Early Fall:
  • Register for the AEA Annual Meeting, arrange your transportation, and book a room. The deadline for this isn't until September, but booking early ensures that you get a room in or near the main conference hotels. (may not be required for 2023/2024).
  • Begin reading Job Openings for Economists and compiling a list of jobs that you are interested in. You may find it helpful to sign up to receive an e-mail notification when new issues are published.
  • Schedule a 708/709 presentation (the presentation must happen before October 24, 2023).
  • Prepare a CV, carefully following these instructions. E-mail your CV and draft of job market paper to your advisor for his or her feedback (before September 8, 2023)
  • Before submitting your CV, you will need to have three people (including your advisor) agree to write recommendations on your behalf. Let each of them know in person or by email that the deadline for getting their letter to the placement coordinator is November 3, 2023 (see below).
  • Incorporate your advisor's comments and send your edited CV and job market paper to placement directors (Deadline: September 15, 2023).
  • Have your advisor send an e-mail to Placement Directors and the placement coordinator authorizing you to go on the market (Deadline: September 15, 2023).
  • After we get back to you with our comments, send Placement Directors and the placement coordinator your final CV incorporating these changes. (Deadline: September 29, 2023).
  • Have your website up and running (Deadline: September 29, 2023). See instructions here.
  • Having a CV, completed draft of the job market paper, the advisor authorization, and a website running as specified above are NECESSARY conditions to be included in the official placement list.
  • Present in 708/709 (Deadline: October 24, 2023).
  • Apply for positions with October deadlines (check whether letters are required in October).
  • Advisors to receive final draft of paper (Deadline: October 24, 2023). The paper should be posted online by October 30, 2023.
  • Placement directors to receive a one-page summary (Google doc) of research and job preferences (discuss these with your advisor beforehand) (Deadline: October 20, 2023).
  • Careers Morning. TBD
  • Generate a list of all the places you wish to apply and discuss with your advisors. Make sure they know your job preferences, and solicit their advice on your suitability for these jobs. All of your letter writers should know where you plan to apply.
  • Send placement directors an initial set of places that you are applying to (we will supply a Google Online form). (Deadline: October 27, 2023).
  • Let your advisor/s know if there are a few institutions you are particularly interested in, as they may be willing to contact colleagues at these institutions in support of your application.
  • Continue to polish and improve your job market paper. Produce cover letters, research, diversity and teaching statements as required. Post carefully-proofed new versions of these materials online.
  • Apply or begin the application process for positions (often this will only require you to post a CV).
  • Fill out Google form with email/web addresses and instructions for the places you would like your letters of reference to be sent (Deadline: October 30, 2023).
  • Contact your references to be sure that your letter will be ready before November 3, 2023 and give them a copy of the places you are applying to. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to write and sign the letter and to pass it on to the Main Office. On November 6 check with your advisor that your letter has been sent to the placement coordinator.
  • A few days after the November 3, 2023 deadline, double check that the placement coordinator has received all of your letters of reference.
  • If you add new applications, send links / emails to the placement coordinator promptly using the Google form.
  • Create a Google document populated with your interviews and fly outs. Share with your advisor and the Placement Directors (Deadline: November 17, 2023). Keep it updated!
  • Throughout December, potential employers may contact you to schedule interviews. If you must travel, do not go anywhere where you won't be able to respond promptly to email and phone calls.
  • Practice your mock interview speech and job market seminar until you have them both down cold.
  • Sign up for a mock interview to help improve your interviewing skills (we will send more information about this in early November).
  • Keep us posted on how your job market is going (please!).
  • Interview at the AEA Annual Meeting (January 5-7, 2024).
  • Shortly after the interviews, potential employers will begin to contact candidates to schedule on-site visits throughout January and February.
  • If you don't have a job yet, keep sending out applications and don't be discouraged! Also, participate in the Job Market Scramble, which AEA established to help facilitate communication between employers and job market candidates at this point in the job market.