The 2022 Elinor Ostrom Prize was awarded to Peter Murrell and Peter Grajzl for their joint papers, 

A Machine-Learning History of English Caselaw and Legal Ideas Prior to the Industrial Revolution I: Generating and Interpreting the Estimates", JOIE 17(1): 1-19 


A Machine-Learning History of English Caselaw and Legal Ideas Prior to the Industrial Revolution II: Applications", JOIE 17(2): 201-216.

The prize is awarded each year for the best full-length article published in the Journal of Institutional Economics in the preceding calendar year. The competition was judged by an international committee of experts in the field of institutional research.

"The Elinor Ostrom Prize has been established in honor of the late Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012), who was an enormously creative scholar and an outstanding pioneer of the interdisciplinary field of institutional research. Her most famous work focused on the problem of managing and maintaining common-pool resources, but she also applied her ideas to problems of political governance and climate change."

More information about the award can be found here and more information about Professor Murrell's research can be found here


Murrell photo