- Revisiting the Emergence of the Rule of Law in Russia, Kathryn Hendley and Peter Murrell, Global Crime 16(1), 19-33, January . Link to Journal
- Political Acceptance as an Alternative or Complement to Political Legitimacy: Concept, Measurement and Implications, Roger R. Betancourt and Alejandro Ponce, Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics, September . Link to Journal
- Unbundling Democracy: Political Rights and Civil Liberties, Ariel BenYishay and Roger R. Betancourt, Journal of Comparative Economics 42(3), 552-568, August . Link to Journal
- International Security, Multiple Public Good Provisions, and The Exploitation Hypothesis, Toshihiro Ihori, Martin McGuire, and Shintaro Nakagawa, Defence and Peace Economics 25(3), 213-229, June . Link to Journal
- Size Inequality, Coordination Externalities and International Trade Agreements, Nuno Limão and Kamal Saggi, European Economic Review 63, 10-27, October . Link to Journal
- Spatial Spillovers in the Development of Institutions, Harry H. Kelejian, Peter Murrell, and Oleksandr Shepotylo, Journal of Development Economics 101, 297-315, March . Link to Journal
- The Iceberg Theory of Campaign Contributions: Political Threats and Interest Group Behavior, Marcos Chamon and Ethan Kaplan, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5(1), 1-31, February . Link to Journal
- Political Polarization and the Dynamics of Political Language: Evidence from 130 Years of Partisan Speech, Jacob Jensen, Ethan Kaplan, Suresh Naidu and Laurence Wilse-Samson, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 45(2), 1-81, September . Link to Journal
- Review of The Great Recession and Import Protection, Nuno Limão, Journal of International Economics 88(1), 209-210, September . Link to Journal
- Institutions, Organizations, Impersonality, and Interests: The Dynamics of Institutional Change, John Joseph Wallis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 79(2), 48-64, June . Link to Journal
- Occupy Wall Street and the Political Economy of Inequality, Arindrajit Dube and Ethan Kaplan, The Economist's Voice 9(3), March . Link to Journal
- Deconstructing the Dominant Discourse: Chang on Institutions and Development., John Joseph Wallis, Journal of Institutional Economics 7(4), 589-593, December . Link to Journal
- The Way We Were: Reflections on the Comparative History of Comparative Economics, Peter Murrell, Comparative Economic Studies 53, 489-505, December . Link to Journal
- Why Cuba Remained a Colony While Latin America Became Independent: Implications for the Current ‘Transition’, Roger R. Betancourt, Cuban Affairs 6(4), December . Link to Journal
- Land Property Rights and Resource Allocation, Sebastian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky, Journal of Law and Economics 54(4), S329-S345, November . Link to Journal
- Policy Choice: Theory and Evidence from Commitment via International Trade Agreements, Nuno Limão and Patricia Tovar Rodriguez, Journal of International Economics 85(2), 186-205, November . Link to Journal
- Coups, Corporations, and Classified Information, Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan and Suresh Naidu, Quarterly Journal of Economics 126(3), 1375-1409, August . Link to Journal
- Agenda for Defense and Peace Economics, Martin C. McGuire, Defence and Peace Economics 21(5-6), 529-534, October . Link to Journal
- Civil Liberties and Economic Development, Ariel BenYishay and Roger R. Betancourt, Journal of Institutional Economics 6(3), 281-304, September . Link to Journal
- National Self-Insurance and Self-Protection Against Adversity: Bureaucratic Management of Security and Moral Hazard, Toshihiro Ihori and Martin McGuire, Economics of Governance 11(2), 103-122, April . Link to Journal
- Does Outsourcing Reduce Wages in the LowWage Service Occupations? Evidence from Janitors and Guards, Arindrajit Dube and Ethan Kaplan, Industrial and Labor Relations Review 63(2), 287-306, January . Link to Journal
- Lessons for California from the History of Fiscal Constitutions, Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo and John Joseph Wallis, California Journal of Politics and Policy 2(3), 1-19, January . Link to Journal
- Lessons from the Political Economy of the New Deal, John Joseph Wallis, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 26(3), 442-462, January . Link to Journal
- How Do Budget Deficits and Economic Growth Affect Reelection Prospects? Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries, Adi Brender and Allan Drazen, American Economic Review 98(5), 2203-2220, December . Link to Journal
- The Political Will to Democratize in Cuba: An Implication for U.S. Policy, Roger R. Betancourt and Jorge A. Sanguinetty, Cuban Affairs 4(2), July . Link to Journal